Testimonials from our happy owners!
Janece Schommer has been a client at Great Lakes Veterinarian Clinic since 2000. Over the past 20 years, Janece has become a very reputable breeder of Goldendoodles. Always striving for perfection, she routinely screens her breeding stock for genetic defects known to be common in either the Poodle or the Golden Retriever. I have seen her spay / neuter dogs that didn’t meet her standards for breeding.
On the rare occasion that a pup has a minor heart issue, I have witnessed Janece support the new owners above and beyond the industry standard. She often has me “double-check” opinions of other vets to make sure her pups are getting the best care possible. She truly is devoted to improving the Goldendoodle as a breed.
Her puppies are happy, well cared for, a well-socialized.
I would recommend Janece to any potential dog owner looking for a quality dog with great temperament.
Dr. Randall Van Maanen, DVM
Patti Cake
Hi Janece, just wanted to tell you how well Patti Cake is doing. She just turned 4 months old December 1st, 2008 and is an amazing young pup. When I was looking for a doodle, what impressed me the most is that other breeders told me that if I didn’t get a pup from them, get one from GoldenDoodle Acres. After I saw your website and spoke with you on the phone, I was convinced this is where I want my pup from. As you know, my husband is a veterinarian here in Madison and he takes her to work every day since we got her. He said she is the best pup we have ever raised. Not only is she easy going, sweet and loves everybody, she is very smart. At puppy class she was chosen often to demonstrate a new command. She loves her big sister Ellie Mae, our 5 year old golden and we can’t imagine our lives without her. I could go on and on and sound like the woman with the bumper sticker “My Doodle is Smarter Than Your Honor Student”, but I won’t. You and your family breed wonderful dogs and gave our Patti Cake a wonderful start in life. Feel free to have any potential puppy owners call me or my husband for a reference. Thanks again for a great addition to our family.
Doodly Yours,
Christa Gustafson
Dr. John Gustafson DVM PhD
Janece, after caring for our little guy for 5 weeks and learning soooo much about Goldendoodles, I realize just how wonderful a breeder you are.
People are amazed at our Cooper’s temperament and we owe that all to Goldendoodle Acres and your well-established routines and attention during the first weeks of life. I especially love that you took the pups for car rides to prevent motion sickness and exposed them to the desensitization CDs. What a terrific idea.
I also appreciate the work to mitigate birth defects and willingness to pay for any related surgery, as well as your testing for common genetic abnormalities like hip dysplasia.
I can see just how much effort and love you put into your work. Please know that Michael and I are extremely grateful for that effort and are proud owners of Cooper!!
Hope all is well up in Neenah.
Biscuit (6 mo) I can give this guy a hug and all my troubles melt away. The perfect addition to our family.
George is the BEST dog!!! At 11weeks he sits, shakes, sleeps all night in a crate, goes to the door when he needs to go to the bathroom, comes when he is called and is SO friendly! We would highly recommend Goldendoodle Acres. He is Waffles and Murphy's little guy -...
This is Lola at 11 weeks from Goldendoodle Acres.

A quick note to let you know that our sweet pup, Jia has turned 10 today. She is as playful and precocious as ever. She is such a huge part of the Pawlak family and we are so very blessed that she is ours! Thank you so much for breeding these wonderful dogs!
Christine and John P
This is Penny at almost 8 months after her first haircut. She weighs 34.4 pounds – almost no longer a mini! She’s doing well in Beginner Obedience classes. We’re hoping to graduate to Novice. She’s still the best companion ever! Such a sweet, lovable girl. Our grandkids adore her!
The difference between Penny and my neighbor’s Goldendoodle that came from a breeder in Arkansas is absolutely night and day. It’s so obvious Penny came from a good breeder. She’s a sturdier dog, healthier looking and her coat is exquisite. Thank you again for the good job you do.
Betsy B.

Just wanted to share some pics of Bruno. He was the blue collar from Malai and Bentley’s litter. He is just awesome!! He slept through the night the very first day. (Yes I woke up and had to check on him) He learns any command super fast. Potty training was very quick. He loves to chew on those bully sticks, play with his toys, eat snow(and dirt), car rides, snuggle and basically just be wherever we are. Thank you for such a wonderful pup and making our family complete.

We are celebrating one year with Mutsy today and thought we’d send you a little update! Mutsy is purple puppy from Sweetie and Paavo’s January 30th litter, and he has been making the last year of our lives happy and snuggly! He gets compliments wherever we go, and even when he’s sometimes naughty (he likes to steal shoes), we couldn’t imagine our lives without him. Thank you for bringing us our fluffy family member! Shannon and Sam
Thanks again Janece for the great job you do!!!
Keith & Julie